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Member participation in advocacy efforts is crucial to shaping the future of cardiology.

Facilitating strong and lasting relationships between our members and their federal lawmakers is at the core of the ACC Political Action Committee's mission.

Through its advocacy efforts, the ACC builds relationships with Congress, federal government agencies, state legislative and regulatory bodies, private insurers and other policy making groups to advance the College’s mission of improving heart health.

The American College of Cardiology's advocacy has resulted in a number of significant wins for providers, patients, and practices in recent years.

The ACC Legislative Conference is held every fall in Washington, DC.

It brings together members from every state to advocate on Capitol Hill for laws that will improve cardiology practice and have a positive impact on patient care.

Attendees spend a day on "The Hill" meeting with their lawmakers.

There is an ACC Advocacy Action mobile app that gives easy access to ACC's advocacy priorities. It provides timely talking points during congressional visits.

To find your lawmaker visit:  and


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New Jersey Chapter of the American College of Cardiology

P.O. Box 43212

Birmingham, AL 35243

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